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drag queen

Bitchtrice is the name of Harry's drag alter ego. She has performed at several events. Recently performing at Soho Theatre in Dec 2023, and at 'A Night At The Ritzy' afterparty where she lip synced to Kate Nash in front of Kate Nash and then was joined by Kate Nash and lip synced Kate Nash with Kate Nash - iconic!


Earlier this year they hosted a Eurovision party screening at The Ritzy Cinema. It was a long night but with 7 costume changes, lip syncing, dancing, judging and plently of camp fun, Bitchtrice kept the energy up. Other events include hosting Barbie Dress Up Screenings and being part of the University for the Creative Arts first Pride event that celebrated LGBTQ+ History Month. 


Bea is a high energy performer and is a true dancing queen. She edit's her own tracks often with a topical theme. 

As well as lip syncing for her life and taking part in photo shoots, Bea is also a natural presenter and knows how to werk a crowd. 

Harry completed the Drag Labs course at Soho Theatre in Oct-Dec 2023. 

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Bitchtrice performing with Kate Nash
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